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How Video Drives eCommerce Sales

How Video Drives eCommerce Sales

eCommerce brands need to engage and persuade customers to buy completely online. Unlike brick-and-mortar shops or ‘bricks and clicks’ - brands that sell in store and online - Ecommerce brands must build interest and trust online. 

Videos that show how products work, offer testimonials, go behind the scenes and more are key to supporting actual sales. They can tell an emotional story, build credibility and trust, and even tip shoppers over the edge to click “buy now.” 

Videos provide a human story behind a product’s selling points and digital offerings, which gives consumers a unique product view as if it was under a magnifying glass. This generates a trust, an emotive need and a connection or an increased desire to buy.

According to the State of Video Marketing Report from Wyzowl, 84% of people say they’ve been convinced to buy a product or service by watching a brand’s video. The shopper can see the product in use and picture themselves using it.


1. Video spreads word of mouth 

People are twice as likely to share video content with friends over other content. That’s the new form of word of mouth or one customer telling another or telling many via social media. Word of mouth has long been one of the most persuasive signals for purchase. Forbes reported that word of mouth is responsible for 13% of all sales. 

Meanwhile, it has become easier and easier to share videos via social media, text and email. While it is difficult to design video to go wildly viral, brands can design video that is more likely to be shared. That extends the reach of their message and delivers via a customer's trusted social connections.

2. Video will improve customer experience and help persuade

64% of customers globally make purchases after going through the brand’s social videos. Highlighting your product through video will give your customers more information on how the product looks, works and how it will benefit them. 96% of people turn to videos to learn more about a product or service. 

Videos that show the product in use help consumers imagine themselves using the product/ service. They don’t just want to be told, they want to be shown. Why is this product/service worth my time? Prove it.

3. Video shares emotion

Unlike text or even images, video has the unique capability of sharing a highly emotional story. And most purchase decisions are driven by emotion rather than simple, rational proof points.  A video which showcases a heartwarming story revolving around your product is likely to strike a chord with viewers. 

Videos that feature people’s faces perform even better as they communicate our humanity and help us connect with the product. Even a warm voiceover narration adds to the emotional humanity of a video

Zoe Gabriel won the hearts of many with a product review that sky-rocketed the brand’s reach while supporting purchases.

If you are interested in how user-generated video can deliver on emotion, check out: A Marketer’s Guide to Planning User-Generated Content

4. Video reviews build trust

The best eCommerce product videos are authentic. They share a POV from the brand or from a Content Creator that feels genuine and truthful. According to Brightcove, ”93% of B2B buyers say that video builds trust in a brand, and 85% of consumers say videos are essential to online shopping. It’s the go-to medium that customers use to evaluate a business.”

The role these videos play in your marketing can be to educate, reassure and build authenticity. They give customers a final green flag to buy your product. Trust on the Internet is not easy to come by, and there are plenty of dodgy brands selling products online. People are increasingly skeptical about the claims of brands. The right videos can go far in helping people get to know a brand and even the people behind it.

Try out KittyKat for quality videos and visuals to make your marketing stand out in this new era of eCommerce.

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